Online Practice: Weekly Classes

This Weekly Classes page will contain a series of 45 - 60 minute sessions, mostly at a medium level of difficulty, although suitable for those without too much experience. (Complete beginners would be advised to wait until they can start live classes with a teacher, although they might find some of the practices in the Mixed Sessions page helpful).

Please feel free to use any of the resources below. They are all made in my front room for the benefit of anyone who needs some Yoga practice (which is everyone)!

If you enjoy any of the classes and would like to make a small payment, you can use the "Donate" button opposite. You might make a one-off payment and then use the resources as much as you want, or else make occasional small payments if you only use them from time to time. Anything from £1 upwards is fine but if times are hard, as they are for many of us, please use the resource for free, as the main intent is to help everyone get through the current crisis while you can't get to your local yoga teacher in person!

Please note the videos are made with a webcam so don't expect HD!


3rd May 2021

51 mins. This session focuses on settling into various postures, using the breath, and then on holding and being with the posture. Last one in this series of online sessions before we restart live classes in May.

19th Apr 2021

55 min session. Nice general workout - would make a good start to your day!

12th Apr 2021

57 min session focusing on twists and sidestretching, culminating in a variation of revolved head-to-knee posture (parivritta janushirshasana).

5th Apr 2021

A standard workout beginning with a set of warm-up joint rotations. 60 mins.

29th Mar 2021

A 55 min class focusing on stretching the spine in a number of different postures.

22nd Mar 2021

A flowing vinyasa class but not physically challenging - just relaxing :) (55 mins)

15th Mar 2021

58 min stretchy, relaxing session.

1st Mar 2021

58 min session with a focus on the core.

22nd Feb 2021

56 mins session working up to practicing two variations of natarajasana or Lord of the Dance pose.

15th Feb 2021

A more dynamic and slightly stronger session, finishing with a cooling pranayama called sitkari or 'hissing' breath.

Length: 60 mins

8th Feb 2021

A stretchy, non-dynamic session ending with some gentle Ujjayi breathing.

Length: 53 mins.

1st Feb 2021

Session beginning with some stretches and a "no plank" Sun Salutation and finishing with a short Pranayama.

Length: 54 mins.

21st Jan 2021

General workout focusing on side stretches and twists.

Length: 50 mins

14th Jan 2021

A general workout beginning with joint rotations and sun salutations to warm up; finishing with relaxation.

Length: 58 mins